Thursday, February 26, 2009

Break Out the Bubbly

My nephew's 1 today!!

My sister's baby boy is one today. He's excited about the frosting on his cupcakes I just know it. I cannot believe I've been an aunt for one whole year already. My mom spoils him more than me but that's her job. I'm singing Mark Schultz's "You are Child of Mine" at his dedication on Sunday.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Taste and Memory

I just ate a rasberry in a most unexpected place- the freight elevator at my work.
I often use that elevator to get back and forth from the kitchen int he basement. As soon as the taste hit my tongue, my mind went to a field in upstate New York where we onced picked fruit during a summer family vacation.

It's more than a month away but I'm already dreaming of my birthday cake (as well as what to make George for his...). I think I've settled on lemon/rasberry merguine cake. It's light and tasty (and hopefully dairy free!).

My nephew's first birthday is coming up next weekend and I await what my semi-domestic sister will create for his party. I begged her to let me make it but she flatly refused on the grounds of being his mother.

This summer, I've offered my baking skills as a wedding gift for a new friend. She is an artist so I'm up to the challenge of bringing whatever vision she has (checkered cake was put on the table as an idea).

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Abundant Living

During the last few weeks, the lifestyle changes I committed to for the New Year have brought about a great feeling: abundance. I literally looked in the closets of my house and found what I need. Despite the fact that I consider myself organized, I didn't realize how much was actually in there.

Lifestyle changes must take on a realistic expectation for long-term success. For example, I committed to drinking more water and less prepared beverages other than tea. The result: my pants are slightly looser and I don't feel too bubbly inside (i.e. I am bubbly but it's coming from my heart instead of my stomach if you know what I mean).

George and I discovered the joy of splitting meals during our last few dates and found out it was just enough food to feel sated. I'm working so much now (3 part time jobs!) that I'm never home to watch cable so that was easy enough to cancel.

The frustration I felt a few weeks ago at the lack of work at my second job spurred me to use that same skill set in another capacity. Now I've launched a small tutoring service as well as joined the stringer staff of a local paper.

The emotional help I needed has continued to buoy me and the shame that literally made me shake is starting to ebb. My fear of the future is minimized and my hope is now an abundant spring from which I draw extra measures of joy.

Monday, February 02, 2009

No Way, Lisa!

I think it was Saturday afternoon, in between appointments as a matter of fact. I was thinking about Lisa Loeb. I've been a fan on and off since college, in my post Sarah McLaughlin phase. This phase consisted of songs about why guys do what they do to girls and the angst of trying to figure if a guy likes us or not.

I'd watch her on VH1 a year or two ago on a looking for love reality show.

Anyhow, just for kicks I threw in "Firecracker" into my CD Player. My prior rule to playing this CD was when a guy was driving me crazy, which on Saturday was not the case. I folded laundry and thought to myself "I wonder if she ever got married?"
And sure enough, she did THAT VERY NIGHT. How weird is that? It's like "Lorelai's Sense of Snow" episode (which I also watched that day).