Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Yuck, Part Two, My Nephew+ Turkey = Amusing

I made my Gram's Cranberry Sauce for Thanksgiving last week.

1 bag of Cranberries
1/2 cup water
1/2 cup white sugar
Orange peels from 2 medium oranges

Boil and stir regularly under medium heat until the berries begin to break down, reduce the heat as the berries turn into sauce. The yield is about 2 cupes, enough to feed a 10lb turkey crowd.

When we put some of this sauce on my newphew's plate so he would eat his "no Thank you" portion of Turkey, he liked it at first but then he wasn't interested in finishing ANYTHING on his plate. We had to CLAP after each bite- there were four of them. I hope my Gram though his antics were funny while she was watching from Heaven!

Yuck! Vinegar + Egg = Poaching?

I just tried to make poached eggs without a poached egg frame. I read somewhere if you put vinegar into boiling water, it makes the egg stay together to poach. Well, the poaching happened after a slight temp. change, but the eggs tasted HORRIBLY bitter. Accordingly to my post cooking research, I make two mistakes
1. I should've added the vinegar AS the water came to a boil
2. I should've added onto 1 Tablespoon or less to the water per quart. My usual eyeballing method to cooking didn't cut it here.

I'll have to settle for cup of soup for post-class dinner because I'm too tired to try again.