Monday, December 12, 2005

DMB at the Garden

I went to my second DMB show of 2005 on Friday night with my B&N friend, Jenn. It was her turn to get the tixs. We thought getting them through the Warehouse (DMB's fan club) would get us closer to Stefan (yes there's is more to DMB than Dave) but alas we were on Butch Taylor's side (nice funky shirt Butch!). Anyway, we got there very early so it was cool to watch the Garden fill up.
The band that opened, Soul Live, featured a lot of James Brown attitude and sky high afros. DMB came on for their set around 8:45 and played through 'til 10:45. They took their sweet time getting back for an encore but I think they were really tired because there were long gaps in between the songs.
Here's the set list from the show

Friday Dec 9 2005
Madison Square Garden

Recently *


Dream Girl

Don’t Burn The Pig


Hunger For The Great Light
Where Are You Going

American Baby Intro
All Along The Watchtower
Louisiana Bayou
Stand Up
Old Dirt Hill

Too Much

Christmas Song

Two Step

Show Notes:
* Rashawn Ross

Monday, November 07, 2005

Room Redo

I spent most of Saturday with the youth group I volunteer with redecorating our room at the church. Here are the highlights from our Wal-Mart shopping trip and the decorating session after.

I haven't seen the group in a while so all night I kept hearing "Maggie" someone was looking to catch up with me :-).

The funniest part of the night was the road trip that Colin, one of the Reusch twins (I forgot your name don't hate me!), and James took to get my Gram's old couch outta her old apartment. We broke a railing bringing it down the stairs so the couch was dubbed "The Broken Railing" by us! My Gram never let us put our feet up on that couch and now it's since been draped with a pink fur cover and many sneakers were leaning on it thatnight.


Wednesday, October 26, 2005

The List

Okay, so only two people have acutally fessed up to reading my blog posts. Here's something I've been working on for a while.

"The List"
1. Bake a wedding cake
2. Go to Italy (for shoes, artwork, and driving a Fiat). I heard I could teach there if I'm willing to sneak in on a student visa or let a tourist visa expire.
3. Take a Monet trek through France
4. Make a real photography portfolio
5. Learn how to take good people shots (they always come out too dark for me)
6. Guest appearance on "Gilmore Girls"
7. Own a Cartier tank watch
8. Own a Kate Spade bag

Items Checked Off on the List
1. Go to London
2. Try Rock climbing (just kidding, I really decided to take that off the list)
3. Stop biting my nails (been clean since January '05). Now they just break of their own accord if I don't got for regular manicures.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Media Feast!

I just want to save you $9.00 or whatever your local cinema is charging. "Elizabethtown" totally not up to Cameron Crowe's vision. The script is not plausible at all except for the half-hour.
I love Paula Dean's cameo though and the soundtrack was interesting.

Also, since I'm wearing my "Indescribable" shirt I'll tell ya'll how great the Chris Tomlin concert was. Tony's talk before used pictures from the Hubble telescope to convey how vast and well indesribable God's power is. That is something I definitely take for granted as a fast paced person.

Anway, if you want to learn more about him, check out:


Wednesday, August 31, 2005


When I overhear someone in a public place usually I laugh to myself because their loudness is very amusing. However this morning, a man ordering train tickets at my train station was quick annoying.

He was taking his family to see "Ground Zero" and either is never rides the train or thought he had to talk louder because of the glass seperating him and the booth clerk. But he acted like he was going to a special, fun place instead of the sacred ground I still view the WTC as.

My neighbor, Andy, died there, leaving behind a beautiful yet still grieving family. I would rather not have people trivilize this place, in the same vein as seemingly just another NYC attraction. I suppose the same could be said for any place that's been memoralized for the dead. My sister just came back from Hawaii and visited Pearl Harbor while there. She didn't find it all that thrilling, maybe because it happened so long ago, or more importantly, she has no personal connection to the site.

Anyway, I looked across at a fellow commuter who was overhearing this man's pronouncement. She had a similarly bemused look on her face and I just rolled my eyes and went back to reading my book.

Friday, August 26, 2005

My Inhertitence for a Manicure

So my Gram, who's been developing dimensia for the last year or so, mailed me $50 to thank me for giving her rides around since she lost her car earlier this year. I was very surprised to receive the money on the grounds that I did it without expecting any payment or thanks. She's been very difficult to handle on her own and it's been very draining for me to even take her to church and back because among other things, she's tried to get out of the car while it's still moving!

She is also under a lot of stress because she's moving to live in Portland to be near her son. She's told him that we're being mean because she just thinks we want her stuff but a few weeks ago she said she couldn't take it all and asked what furniture my sister and I wanted before she left.

I've always liked her bookcases so I asked for those. My sister and her husband wanted the piano that Gram had received as a gift from her friend, Anne, when she moved to her daughter's home. Last Saturday when I came to get what I'd asked for, she said that I would have to pay for the bookcases because she needs the money. This is a truth to some extent, however, she has not made the same condition to my sister, who's embarrased by the unfairness of the situation. I was lucky two weeks ago to get a set of china from her; she was having a good day but my visit last week was not quite as fortunate.

So you see, it's quite ironic then, that she should send me a fifty dollar bill in the mail as if I'm another debt she's paying off before she leaves. My mom is equally troubled by the gesture but we're trying not to make her feel any more upset than what she's already put herself through. All of this is just a reminder of how fragile my relationship has always been with her and now what's left is being further strained by misunderstanding.

I spent part of the money this morning on a manicure... the rest for lunch money the next couple of days!

Wednesday, August 24, 2005


The seniors in my youth group are leaving for college this week and I know it's not going to hit me until they're not at FCYF next Wednesday :-(

Here's a pix of the boys in the group who have Axe attacked me more than I'd care to remember but they're my guys just the same.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Oh the Wedded Bliss

I just got an e-mail from my best friend from college, she's engaged! I'm so happy for her and even though I haven't met this guy in person, I know he's the "One" for her.

Anyway, this past weekend was a blitz of weddings in an usually hot spell in NJ. But both brides, Suzanne and Francine, looked amazing. Suzanne married a guy she met at the bookstore where I used to work. Bill, her husband, is a very sweet guy who she's madly in love with. Their wedding was a fun time and the reception hall, The Manor in W. Orange, was amazing.

On Saturday, Francine, a childhood friend, was married to her college sweetheart Doug. They got married by our high school sunday school teacher Danny. The ceremony was short and thank goodness because the sanctuary wasn't cooled down enough. Again two people very much in love but in a different way than Suzanne and Bill, mostly because of the age difference.

Anyway, it got me thinking again about why I'm not much of a dater. This is the last place I will whine about it, (I promise Kate!), but I don't ever get to be with the guys I LIKE and instead settle for some nice guy who asks me out but I'm not really attracted too. The guy I like now might have a clue but I doubt it and I haven't figured out a way to ask him without ruining the foundational amount of comfort/fun we have with each other. Oh well, I'm not in a rush but I'd like to know where I stand with him sooner than later.

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Don't Give Me Jesus

Don't Give Me Jesus …
… if giving me Jesus means
telling me about your beliefs,
then walking away.
Don't give me Jesus,
if giving me Jesus means
judging me by appearance,
but never trying to see who I really am.
Don't give me Jesus,
if giving me Jesus means
you're right no matter what,
and I'm wrong no matter what.

Do Give Me Jesus …
… if giving me Jesus means
walking beside me just like
Jesus walked beside
lepers and losers.
Do give me Jesus,
if giving me Jesus means
listening more than talking.
Do give me Jesus,
if giving me Jesus means
laughing with me when I need to laugh,
and crying with me when I need to cry.
Do give me Jesus,
if giving me Jesus means
letting me know when
my actions are harmful or destructive.
Do give me Jesus,
if giving me Jesus means
being my friend.

If you give me Jesus
wrapped in your friendship,
I may be more ready to listen
to what you have to say.


Monday, August 01, 2005

Randall's Island-DMB

Saturday was the Randall's Island getaway with DMB headlining. My former co-worker, Jenn and I took the ferry over from E. 34th. We got there around noon and were glad to get there early! Randall's was decked out as a festival with two stages. We were on the dusty/dirty side of the island and after a while it showed on all of us. Most of the tixs sold were for lawn seats which turned out to be sit on the hard ground. Luckily I'd brought a blanket and we got as comfortable as possible. There were about five bands performing throughout the day. The big three were Jem, BNL, and DMB. BNL went on around 6ish I believe and no one really paid attention 'til they played the three songs they're known for. I was in the growing pre-DMB bathroom line so I got back in time to mindlessly sing along to "If I Had a Million Dollars." After that we had to wait about an hour until the sunset for Dave to come on stage. He opened with #41 ( I just checked the setlist to make sure). My favorite was prob.Lousiana Bayou from their new studio album "Stand Up." Lots of pot came out at "Jimi Thing" of course. The group we sat with were really cool, around the age of my cousins. We were blanket protective but after a while some barely legals kept trying to jump the fence to get up closer so we had to keep pointing them to the exit to our left.

Here's the rest of the list as well as a shot from the show, courtesey of the band's official site:

Saturday Jul 30 2005
Randall's Island

One Sweet World

Dream Girl

Don’t Drink the Water

Time Of The Season

Hunger For The Great Light

You Might Die Trying


Jimi Thing
* (this had Buffalo Springfield "For What It's Worth" at the end;
he first sang it that way live back at the Central Park show)
Tripping Billies

Steady As We Go

American Baby Intro

American Baby

Dancing Nancies


Louisiana Bayou
Old Dirt Hill

What You Are

Show Notes:
* Trey Anastasio
+ Robert Randolph

indicates a segue into next song

Thursday, July 28, 2005

Too Much Time on My Hands!

Okay, so my inner-circle says I have too much time on my hands. I answer their e-mails IMMEDIATELY and my cell phone is actually on all day.

I also have the luxury of taking my lunch break whenever I want (within reason) and have often used it to get a manicure at 10am! A few weeks back I came back, nail polish bottle in hand, while my co-workers were getting sales material packed up to take to a trade show. When one of them asked me to help I was like "sorry just got my nails done!" which totally cracked me up... because I'm the only girl on my office.

Anwyay, it's funny that I have a lot of time on my hands because I can't stand wearing a watch. I used to have this very cool Mickey Mouse watch my friend David gave me. I wore it to summer camp even though my Mom said I'd lose it, and sure enought I did! Ever since then, I've had maybe one more watch but when the battery died I never replaced it and threw it out because the clasp was broken.

So I just rely on my cell phone or other clock device at my immediate disposal, although they are not in-sync with one another.

One final thought about time, I will never ever miss the days when a school bell told me what time it was, especially in high school. I can still remember most of the bell sequences and can hear them from my house if I'm home during September or June when the windows of my house are open.

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

On2 '05 Company Picnic, July 15, 2005

Tim arrives back at his estate after mowing the "back 40" to prepare the battlefield for the
onslaught of his paintballing co-workers.

Prepping for the Battle of New Paltz

There were suvivors in Round One of the Battle of New Paltz. Only ammunition was shrewn across the field.

Matt ponders the higher points of paintball with a fellow On2 employee.

There was food and drink for the spectators and participants in the Battle of New Paltz.

Allison and Amy put their heads together on the best way to get a happy child out of a swimming pool without tears!

Chris is SO thrilled he's arrived in one piece at his first On2 Picnic as a new Dad.

Jen, our very own female On2 programmer, shares her superpowers for the day with her fellow On2 employees.

Yes, I officialy joined corporate America this past spring working in the NYC office of On2 Technologies ( I now wear our company logo hat on my head every day in the hopes that I'll get on TV and get a cash bonus (or so I've been promised by our Marketing Director, Chris).

So, for those of you who know me well, my days in academia are coming to a close. This past spring semester, I balanced a new job and going to class two nights a week. The rewards were
worth it, or so my boss Matt would claim. He thinks working at On2 has made me smarter. My GPA was higher than it's ever been now that I work for On2, even though my office mate Dan thinks I'm a slacker!!

Anyway here are the highlights from the company picnic in New Paltz, NY.

Monday, July 25, 2005

Welcome to My POV

For those of you who do not really know me, I answer to: Mags, Bilbo Maggins, Margaret, and for a limited time I answered to Naggie Louise, and last but not least Weezie.

I'm a mid 20s woman who works full-time in Midtown for a tech company. I also go to grad school at night for a MA in English Lit. My homepage is

When I'm not reading or writing, I can be found laughing, sleeping, or watching "Gilmore Girls" (the best show on TV at present but alas has been overlooked for critical acclaim).

If I didn't need to work to live, I'd be traveling through Italy right now. But I have a very active imagination and can go there anytime I want!

I just got back from being on holiday with my parents, the last trip I will EVER take with them. I was in the Adirondack mountains at a camp called White Pine My favorite part of the week was being able to kyack as much as I wanted.