Tim arrives back at his estate after mowing the "back 40" to prepare the battlefield for the onslaught of his paintballing co-workers.

Prepping for the Battle of New Paltz

Matt ponders the higher points of paintball with a fellow On2 employee.

There was food and drink for the spectators and participants in the Battle of New Paltz.

Chris is SO thrilled he's arrived in one piece at his first On2 Picnic as a new Dad.Allison and Amy put their heads together on the best way to get a happy child out of a swimming pool without tears!
Jen, our very own female On2 programmer, shares her superpowers for the day with her fellow On2 employees.
Yes, I officialy joined corporate America this past spring working in the NYC office of On2 Technologies (www.on2.com). I now wear our company logo hat on my head every day in the hopes that I'll get on TV and get a cash bonus (or so I've been promised by our Marketing Director, Chris).
So, for those of you who know me well, my days in academia are coming to a close. This past spring semester, I balanced a new job and going to class two nights a week. The rewards were
worth it, or so my boss Matt would claim. He thinks working at On2 has made me smarter. My GPA was higher than it's ever been now that I work for On2, even though my office mate Dan thinks I'm a slacker!!
Anyway here are the highlights from the company picnic in New Paltz, NY.
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