Tuesday, April 04, 2006

My Fabulous Birthday Party

On Friday, March 24th, I invited a bunch of my friends out for dinner at Havana Central on W. 46th Street. We ate a lot and everyone from the various facets of my social circle got to know each other better! There's was birthday flan with a yellow candle, of course. And there were cute presents, two purses, hair accesories, and a Starbucks gift card.

After dinner, we had dessert at Ben& Jerry's. Then the last stop with just the Jerry's and Rich was the House of Brews. I made it to the last train with 10 minutes to spare, whew!

Picture Three: My girlfriends from recently and wayback!
Picture Two: My best friend from college and her posse (sister, fiance, coworker)
Picture One: The Jerry(s), Rich, and Dave from the Liquid church, Rutgers, family extension.

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