Monday, January 07, 2008

My Resolve

I think New Years Resolutions are almost impossible to keep, at least for me they are. For example, I probably had about 4-5 things I wanted to do differently this year:

1. Stop drinking soda cold turkey
>>That lasted until about 2 hours ago when I got an insane headache.
2. Eat more organic whenever possible
>>All I've managed to eat organic everyday is yogurt, thanks Trader Joe's!
3. Letting my fingermails grow out
>>I started this one over a month ago and so far it's been okay
4. Get in touch with people I haven't seen in a while
>>I heart Facebook...yay I had a larger fan club than I thought
5. Plan a most excellent vacation... if I don't get into grad. school
>>Paris, Rome, Puerto Rico, Disney World?

What do all these things have in common? Well on the surface, they could truly enrich my life. Depsite the name of my blog, I'm a very shy person. So number #4 on the list has been really interesting because thanks to my good reputation thus far in life, I have a nice core group of friends from school and work.

My 10th high school reunion is this year (yikes) and my best friend from college is getting married this summer, so I really really hope I have some sort of +1 situation lined up by the beginning of summer. Faith should be the operative word though instead of Hope. Since I've given up on online dating, I have no idea what my odds of being in a good relationship are in the next 6 months. But as Hebrews 11:1 goes "Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see."

The traveling resolution, is just that. I would love to travel more but I don't want to go alone. I have two friends who've gone on trips together and invited me along, but I've always had to work:(. With my passport only having one stamp in 10 years, I need to make sure it's worth renewing this year.

Everything else on the list is do-able within reason. As long as I keep getting manicures my hands should be okay for a while. As for soda, yes it was a temporary slip but I only think that will be on an as needed basis situation. Water is my friend, I love love love it!

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