Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Cliques are Cliche

The closer the date of my high school reunion comes, the more I'm relieved that I cannot go. The notes are popping up on Facebook "are you going?" between my classmates. The class prez. reached out to me last week to find out and I politely said no. I do not want to "re connect" withpeople I frankly thought were stuck up and shallow. The friends I have from high school I keep tabs on via Facebook now but that's it.

In an interelated issue, apparently the national average age to tie the knot is 28. In an increasingly alarming frequency, wedding pictures are going up like a Trojan horse on Facebook. There's a lot of clevage, expensive floral arrangements, and an absurbly large amount of bridal attendants. These are the same girls who went to the prom at least three out of four years, with a different dress each time. They are marrying older men or at least guys that graduated ahead of us in h.s.

I've officially lost interest in reading the NYT's Vows column because I simply cannot take another sappy "how we met" story. Instead I make George recall in his own words what it took for him to ask me out. That's enough for me for a while. He's stuck with me, no refunds no exchanges. That's a whole of a lot cheaper and less stressful than joining this tidal wave of wedded bliss that I'm letting pass me by.

I am a "road not taken" girl, I don't follow trends- I'm a classic which means I will never go out of style and I do my best to follow the rules. For now that means thriving in dating bliss with George.

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