Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Grown Up Christmas List

I've been saying "Merry Christmas" a lot since last weekend and I really mean it. While Brad in my choir was like "woah we just finished Thanksgiving" I feel like it's time to celebrate the impending madness, ahem I mean blessing that is Christmas.

Here are things that I can't actually posess as presents but I would like to get for Christmas:

1. I want to watch my nephew try to unwrap a Christmas present
2. I want my sista E to have a healthy baby
3. I want my best friend's business to finally launch this coming year
4. I want to find a way to teach full-time and quit my day job
5. I want to take a trip with George in which I'm actually not exhausted before we actually get there
6. I want to make time to really launch my TS business so I stop worrying about having enough money. What is enough money anyhow? I've always done okay. Anyhow...
7. I want my other best friend to find the love of her life this year

That's it, oh yeah and if I could get a day off before I turn 29 that'd be nice too!

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