Monday, January 26, 2009

Depth Perception

The last few weeks have been a strong upheaval of life changes. My focus in life has majorly shifted (for the better) and the reality of what I can (and cannot) do. Some of those closest to me have had even more significant life changes than me. People have died and children born since my new year began. I went from worrying about the future to focusing on just today.

Abraham Lincoln said "The best thing about the future is it comes one day at a time." I know I should have lived my life like that up until this point but it wasn't until I was absolutely broken last weekend that I began to live that way. I put away my thoughts of what I should do 6 months from now, 1 year, 5 years.

I dug up a notepad I got years ago for planning that has two columns "Today, Tomorrow". I leave it by my front door and now try to make a record of things I am grateful for Today and things I'm excited/hopeful for tomorrow.

I also changed my quiet time from the train ride in the morning to the last thing I do at night. Lately I've been using late night TV watching to help me fall asleep and it didn't work. Now I'm down by 11:30 p.m. instead of 1:00 am.

More changes on the way but nothing too drastic...

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