Wednesday, April 16, 2008

I Dream of Anthony Bourdain

I know dreams are suppose to mean something but this one is still stumping me. Last night, I dreamed I was hanging out with Anthony Bourdain and he was asking me what he should make me for dinner. We discussed it and he made it, can't remember what it actually was though. He was really nice to me, ironically, but he had his typical potty mouth thing going on.

Sure enough the answer to my dream was in today's Food Section of the NYT's regarding the bad mouths of TV chefs. Of course, no surprised that "Top Chef" Tom claims he's totally above all that. But Bourdain simply said "I'm making a living at it". Now I'm not saying that I'm in love with him, but I guess I'm saying if a chef (sou or whatever) ever asked me out I'd say yes. Bourdain's already got his trophy wife half his age with a kid.

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