Thursday, April 10, 2008

Yeah I Love You Too

A friend of mine told me to start listening to "After Hours" on NJ 101.5 so I do on a fairly regular basis when I'm in my car at night. Anyway, one of the discussion points this week was "When is it okay to say 'I Love You' '". The host correctly (in my opinion) stated that women say it too easily and when a guy doesn't say anything back, the relationship isn't going anywhere so you should break it off. Michelle, the host, also stated that women need to let the guy say it first. I totally agree that we need to learn to wait for him to say it. Truly, depending on how long you've known each other (friends time included) it should take between three and six months.

Unfortunately the first time a guy said it to me, it was 2 weeks into dating. This time I was the one who didn't say it back and thereafter I couldn't wait to get out of the relationship, it was as good as tolling the death bell on our courtship. When I relayed this story to my friend who listens to Michele he said "yeah it's possible that a guy could say that very quickly".

Why write about this today, you ask? Well since I work in a place that has people from all over one of the staffers who's still learning English replied "Maggie love you too" when I wished him a good day. I smiled and said thank you and got back to work. Yesterday he asked me if I had a husband so you can see where I'm going with this...

Anyway, I decided to update my status on Facebook/MySpace to "in a relationship" just because. It's mainly because I am under contract for my place which is the biggest commitment I've ever made so I think semantics-wise I'm justified in my change.

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