Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Is Gluten Free Living for Me?

I've been reading "Gluten Free Girl" this past week. I notice a LOT of things that are familiar with the author's account of realizing that she's been allergic to gluten her whole life. It wouldn't surprise me to learn that I may be too but on the other hand I was hoping that my allergies would not cross over into the food category.

In my downtime, I will be researching how to "go gluten free" and how to get locally grown food to see if that helps make my symptoms subside. Apparently it is a majorly under-diagnosed condition. I have a good friend who finally received a firm diagnosis over a decade after first showing symptoms.

If I have to, I will de-gluten my house and become a vigorous food label reader. I don't keep that much in my house but here's a short list of what I'll have to give to my mom/sister's pantry:
1. Flour
2. Pancake Mix
3. Beer bread mix

This is what I will have to stock up on:
1. Canola oil
2. Tapioca flour
3. Chocolate (not a bad thing :)
3. Polenta (always wanted to try that)
4. Unsalted butter (usually need that)
5. Champagne vinegar
6. Cooking wine
7. Gluten free sauces as needed
8. Quinoa
10. Almond Flour
11. Sheep's and Goat's cheese
12. Rice noodles and gluten free pasta at large

What I will keep: whole wheat pasta for George!

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