Thursday, May 21, 2009

My On Again Off Again Relationship with TV and Reading

I haven't been home much well since well I can't remember. I don't have a cable box and I don't have a DVR so that means I miss a lot of TV. I did not watch a single episode of "Big Bang Theory" (pending season 2 DVD release...arrgh!)

In terms of reading, well I get to read A LOT. I'm a train commuter which means I don't have to keep my eyes on the road. Currently I'm reading a vampire/werewolf book "True Blood" which I have to say is disappointing to "Twilight" but I'm managing to work through my growing disinterest. It doesn't compare to trying to read "Atlas Shrugged" which George is currently working through. I gave up 50 pages in and have been strongly encouraged to give it another try. It's more likely that I will remodel my bathroom before I try that novel again (Sorry George!)

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