Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Web Diva

George is insisting on calling me "Web Diva" and thinks I'm better suited as a IT chicka than merely the social secretary I currently work as. I have no idea where he gets it from? He even gave me a copy of "Cuckoo's Egg" to read, perhaps to get the wheels already spinning in my head about a million other things geared into the direction of computers. It's enough that I stare as a monitor 8 hours a day (yes I watch TV online at lunch). But my vision of being an IT person invovles a matrix of codes and carrots and tildas.

I suppose I should be flattered that he envisions me in this job but it would be like me taking my love of baking and becoming a pastry chef. A hobby would become a chore and I'd probably end up very unhappy.

The one thing that baffles me about computers and technology is the lack of transparency (for lack of a better word) in regards to music files. I cannot believe I have a couple hundred dollars worth of iTunes tracks that will not play on my new player. I guess I learned my lesson that Apple's is just as serious about making as much $$ off of you as Microsoft.

That doesn't excuse the fact that I love all the stuff on my old now dead iPod, whatever worthless piece of crap that it is now.

What I love about technology is also what I hate: it's portability and replacement ease. I cannot tell you how much crap I got when my first iPod (a gift from Mom) broke like 4 weeks in. I was so embarrased or shamed as it was.

Now I have a cute little pink $30 (thank you Staples rebates) Sony Walkman. Go figure that they can still make a damn good product. I should'nt be so surprised though.

Anyway, so I thought more about what George said tonight as I wait for this final exam proctoring to be OVER, yeah I'm really checking them and blogging at the same time.

I think I can actually do this and I totally can't believe I never though of this as a resume builder before. He's going to get such a good commission for suggesting this idea. But he better be prepared for the consequences of this--- I'll actually have to do some coursework studying/practice which could cut into our "us" time. I don't know if he thought of that. Anyway, how hard could it actually be? Maybe I'm over-thinking this and George has nothing to worry about.

He was so awesome today in the supportive department. Actually there's very few days since we met many Sundays ago that he hasn't. I guess I'm supporting him in my own way but he seems so grounded and has his shit together (yes I'm cursing) that I guess all I have to do is continue to accept him for who he is, as he is. That's all I'm going to say about us, I promised him there'd be no pillow talk or any other kind about us on my blog.

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