Monday, May 19, 2008

You Have to Go Backwards to Go Forward

This is how I describe my theory of time in the Chronicles of Narnia, Prince Caspian the movie. George was like "what?" when I blurted this out the first time. It was late in the day so I might have made absolutely no sense but I managed to get out an explanation. Basically the movie starts with the main characters having a dejavu moment.
I've had those a lot especially in my dreams, I'll dream I've done or met someone before it happens. Of course, I don't wake up and write down the dream. Instead it gets stored in the recesses of my long term memory and it pops up like a pop-up on my web browser.

Anyway, it's got me thinking about writing again. But it's just a thought now and I can't really articulate what sort of thesis I've have. I think I'll plead the 5th and keep it to myself for now...

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