Thursday, July 24, 2008

It is Well

I've had a rough couple of days living inside my head. I'm still adjusting to living alone and it's getting better all the time (cue the Beatles song "Getting Better").

My heart's been saying a lot of stuff my brain's trying to process. I'm pretty determine to save myself from getting burned out during the coming Fall semester when I'm back at 2 jobs again. I'm working at the college in 2 campuses this semester so that will be a new thing as I go into my 3rd year of teaching-only a few more years before I move up in pay level and a free pass to park and to the gym.

There's a nice loop hole in my job that allows me to work 10-6 coincidentily the days after I've been teaching late (i.e., getting the proper amount of sleep). If I can keep sleeping that will help keep from getting sick.

I'm also putting a hold on planning any special parties at my place for a while, I realized it's too stressful to do my own and without a dishwasher. I love doing it but the clean up I still have to work on :).

I'm also trying to make a transition into going to church WITH someone (i.e. George) on a regular basis. We've agreed that starting in the fall we'll try for 3/4 Sundays at 2 different churches jus to keep engaged in places we both like :).

So with that in mind, I printed out a calendar to write on (in pencil) how I'm going to balance my primary job with my 2nd job. Then it gave me a realistic sense of how much time I have left for myself to spend doing nothing, with my friends/family/George (not necessarily in that order).
Yes it's me people, I have to schedule time to do nothing otherwise I feel unproductive and over-fill my time.

I've also promised myself I will plan NOTHING life changing, goal seeking for the next 12 months as well (i.e., move, buy a house, register non-matric in an academic program). This is hard for me not to seek after anything b/c I've been deliberately working on that for 6+ years. It's time for me to stop and reflect on my accomplishments or whatever I'm suppose to do at my stil youngish age.

I might be traveling to see friends/family (Mississippi and Colorado on seperate trips of course!) when I get the time approved by work-since I'm still new I'm at the bottom of the totem pole. Here's my dream list of vacations:

CS Lewis England Trip

Italy Wine Tour

Napa Valley Tour

Can you tell I'm now very interested in vino? I think I'll focus on enjoying that hobby this year without pursuing it with my usual in-depth academic like vigor. :)

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